Coaching, networking, growth mindset

Settling In And Ajustment Period

At the very beginning of an international move, expats tend to be enchanted by their new environments. Dr. Kalervo Oberg, the first Canadian anthropologist to talk about the different stages of the migration process, refers to this first period as the “honeymoon phase.” Expats are so impressed by things in their newly adopted cultures that they tend to “forget” how things used to be back home. But usually, after a couple of months, it is very likely that these differences start bothering them. They don´t feel as comfortable anymore. The ones that suffer the most are the executives´ accompanying spouses that have left behind good jobs back home as well as the children who have to now make new friends, meet new classmates, find equivalents to the sports they used to practice in their homelands and start a new social life. It is at this point that Coaching services can be extremely useful. Resorting to a seasoned Expat Coach can help them ease their anxiety, guide them to see the new opportunities that await them in their newly adopted cultures, and help them see themselves under a different light which can, in turn, take them to untap hidden talents and prove themselves in different fields.

In order for the integration to be smooth, expats are always encouraged to learn the language of their target countries as this will allow them to feel more integrated into their new communities. By being able to communicate with the locals, expatriates can start forging new relationships and turn their expatriate experience into an enjoyable one!
It is important to “get out there” and meet people, locals and compatriots as well. Establishing relationships with compatriots will definitely make you feel at home and will bring back good memories that will be valuable points of reference. However, in order to fully integrate into their new culture, it is very valuable for expats to make the effort to meet locals and partake in their activities as well.


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